DonJoy believes that Powering Motion—The company’s core philosophy is to “get and keep people moving” which is based on the idea that the key to a healthy lifestyle is activity and movement. DonJoy achieves this mission for the human race by offering products with better treatment outcomes and improved economics at scale. DonJoy achieves this by offering products across the continuum of care by employing over 5,000 people across 12 worldwide facilities.
Before it was called “DJO” it was simply DonJoy which was a small company from Carlsbad, California in a garage back in 1978 by the Mark Nordquist who was the Philadelphia Eagles Offensive line captain and local lawyer, Ken Reed. They named their company after their wives: Donna and Joy. Smart men!
In 1999, there was an LBO and the new team changed the name to DJ Orthopedics and took the company public in 2001. In Q1 of 2019, Colfax Corporation, acquired DJO as the foundational piece of their healthcare segment.
DonJoy® developed its IceMan® Classic system through direct customer interaction and feedback over more than 20 years. It is compatible with the complete line of IceMan products. Featuring a dual pump recirculation system, the IceMan Classic series keeps far more consistent temperatures than the simple systems the competition uses. IceMan products power the post-operation rehabilitations of athletes everywhere.
Although these performance rehab systems are simple to use, they aren't simply made. These products are built from durable quality materials and are built to last. These systems are time tested with over 20-years of experience delivering industry leading cold therapy solutions.